Concerning Live Recording
by Harvey Reid
Recording is a lot like photography and moviemaking. All three were made
possible by the invention of a machine, which was first turned on the world
to capture images of things as they were, yet which has gradually become
more integrated into a process that brings us films, photos and recordings
that have been pieced together, produced and edited in increasingly elaborate
ways. A philosophical issue emerges: is the resulting image more artistic,
urgent, or evocative than those that come more directly from life? The most
emotional photos are the ones taken right at the moment of war, grief or
triumph. They don't hire actors to act sad and set up lights to get a photo
in Tianemen Square or Oklahoma City. There is no need for it. People are
happy with the photo as it is. It's hard to imagine music any more urgent
than old blues and jazz records, where they did not lay down a rhythm track
and layer some synths and punch in some vocals. Real music is like telling
a joke-- there is a thread of continuity and controlled tension that pulls
the listener through a great musical performance. Until the 60's, most records
were just an attempt to capture a sound that already existed in the real
world, and there was nothing wrong with them at all.
As a 20 year performer and recording artist (I have released 10
albums on my own label) I am caught in this struggle, and I have concluded
that at least for me, the most compelling recordings are made during a moment
when the recording machine is capturing something special. We can only hope
that during our lifetimes, there will be some times when we are really soaring,
and a high-quality recording machine is on. That is the beauty of the DAT
technology. As someone who has made LP's and CD's and rented studios and
hauled around portable DAT machines, I am now convinced that I have been
able to capture more of those special moments than if I had booked studio
time. (This only works when you have a sound that can be recorded direct-to-master;
it is really hard to even record a trio this way and get the tone, mix and
performance all correct at once.)
I earn my living because I have built up an audience of people who want
something urgent and personal, and I sell tens of thousands of recordings
quietly to people who simply want to listen to good quality recordings of
good performances by a skilled musician. I can assure you that the feeling
of satisfaction you get from this kind of direct and honest art and commerce
is profound, and I think that music might have a better chance of keeping
hold of its listeners amid the onslaught of videos, Nintendo and other entertainment
if it were more urgent and alive and content to be itself. There is a reason
that sports is the #1 entertainment pastime-- it is real. Those Olympic
skaters are not submitting videos-- they are putting their skills on the
line in front of the whole world. The pitcher really is throwing the ball,
the batter is trying as hard as he can to hit it; and if more music was
performed and recorded with that kind of real urgency, we might be amazed
at the results. We should require our musicians to be as honest as our athletes,
and show their stuff in front of us all, and we should not be suckered into
thinking that heavily produced, gimmicky corporate pop music is as true
communication of artistic and emotional energy as there can be. There are
more of us out there doing it the old way than you think, and there are
more people out there than you think who appreciate it.
Copyright © 1995 by Harvey
Harvey Reid has been a full-time acoustic guitar
player, songwriter, traditional musician, and free-lance minstrel since 1974.
He has recently released his 11th solo recording on Woodpecker
Records. He lives on the coast of Southern Maine, though he did live in
his car for over 5 years, which made him philosophical.
5 Fernald Ave York
Maine 03909 USA
phone (207) 363-1886

This web site
concerns the music and life of acoustic musician, writer & music educator Harvey Reid.
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