A significant flaw in the digital music world is that what used to be called "liner notes" are no longer attached to the music, and valuable information about the songs, recording or musicians is getting lost. Here are all of the extensive and informative
liner notes, credits, and recording information from Harvey Reid's
32 albums on Woodpecker Multimedia, which are a vital source
of information about Harvey and his music. This is done so as
a service to fans and whomever else might be interested, intended
for personal use and research purposes only. © 1986-2017
by Harvey Reid.
In chronological order (updated 3/13/2017)
#101- Nothin' but Guitar (1982)
#102- A Very Old Song (1984)
#111- Heart of the Minstrel On Christmas Day (1985)
#103- The Coming of Winter (1986)
#104- Of Wind & Water (19882)
#105- Solo Guitar Sketchbook (1989)
#106- Overview (1990)
#107- Steel Drivin' Man (1992)
#108- Circles (1993)
#109- Chestnuts (1994)
#110- Artistry of 6-String Banjo (1995)
#112- In Person (1997)
#113- Fruit on the Vine (1998)
#114- Guitar Voyages (2000)
#115- The Great Sad River (2001)
#116- Dreamer or Believer (2002)
#117- The Autoharp Album (2003)
#118- Kindling the Fire (2004)
#119- Christmas Morning (2005)
#120 The Song Train– This 80 page hardback book & 4CD boxed set does not appear in digital form anywhere
#121- Blues & Branches (2009)
#122 The Wreck of the Isidore– Hardback book with CD, can be purchased for Kindle reader
#123- Solo Guitar Project– Vol 1 (2010)
#124- Solo Guitar Project– Vol 2 (2010)
#125- Capo Voodoo: Solo Guitar (2010)
#126- Capo Voodoo: Songs (2011)
#127- Songs From A Long Road (2011)
#128- The Autoharp Waltz (2013)
#129- The Liberty Guitar Album (2014)
#130- The Liberty Guitar Method (2014)
The special TUNINGS and partial capo positions Harvey uses are usually
listed among the liner notes about each song,
though for your convenience they are all displayed in a special
listing his entire recorded output. We also have a complete
discography of Harvey's recorded output, song by song.