Formerly known as Uberlocal or Liberty House Concerts. Many of these concerts are live-streamed and archived on YouTube on our Puffin & Loonchannel.
York Village, Maine Make sure you're on our invitation email list for future events.
Catch some music, and enjoy the beaches, cool breezes, surfing, seafood and hospitality of this popular & historic resort town.
Parking map PDF with directions. From I-95, take Exit 7 to York, head for town on 1-A (follow Hospital signs) veer left at statue, 5th house on the left. In the village proper.
<– Our kids' popular snack shack is open for the 2023 season...
We'll keep you posted if you are on our local email list. We generally will not be posting this in either social or local media, and encourage you to do the same and not post pics or videos anywhere.
Bring children if you like, to listen or run around outside with ours...We love kids and want them to see and hear music.
We'll need to teach you where to park. We can fit about 35 cars on our property, and are adding some new spaces. Unlike the past summers, we will have some rainy-day events.